Soaring Health Inc.
Medication Management Program
Helping you take the right medication, right dose at the right time.
14 Day Free Trial
A call for peace of mind.
- One (1) reminder.
- Follow up call for verification.
- Caregiver notification by phone or text message.
- Personalized Greetings
- Activity Report
- Prescription Refill Reminder
- No credit card activation during 14 day FREE Trial.
Plan 1
A call for peace of mind.
- One (1) reminder.
- Follow up call for verification.
- Caregiver notification by phone or text message.
- Personalized Greetings
- Activity Report
- Prescription Refill Reminder
- No credit card activation during 14 day FREE Trial.
Plan 2
A call for peace of mind.
- Up to three (3) reminders.
- Follow up call for verification.
- Caregiver notification by phone or text message.
- Personalized Greetings
- Activity Report
- Prescription Refill Reminder
- No credit card activation during 14 day FREE Trial.
Plan 3
A call for peace of mind.
- Up to five (5) reminders.
- Follow up call for verification.
- Caregiver notification by phone or text message.
- Personalized Greetings
- Activity Report
- Prescription Refill Reminder
- No credit card activation during 14 day FREE Trial.
Commited to your better health.
As a healthcare provider, we recognize complex medication regimens are made simple through our service. The Medication Call Reminder service is one that ensures people can take their medications on time with a simple, automated text, email or phone call. Our service also sends notifications to caregivers. If you miss a dose of medication, designated medical professionals and/or caregivers are immediately notified.
Getting Started
How does it work?
- schedule online for when what and how to take prescribed medication.
- reminder call or text message sent to End User to take medication.
- follow up call sent for End User to acknowledge taking medication.
- text, phone or email verification sent to the family caregiver.
Features and Benefits
- Convenient Scheduling— End users can simply schedule times to have calls come in.
- End User Verification—First call reminds End User to take medication and a follow-up call sent for End User to verify they took medication.
- End User Assistance—Direct connect End User to designated resource for assistance i.e. family member, formal caregiver, health care provider.
- Personalize Greeting—This is where a family caregiver or health care provider can customize a message for the End User.
- Reminder History—Monitor and track the status of a reminder call activity.
- Check for Home Safety—Daily calls to an elderly loved one to make sure they are all right or in need of assistance offers reassurance and peace of mind.