Reminder Service
An ideal medication call reminder service for those who suffer from an ongoing, chronic disease or medical condition. While this service is targeted toward seniors it can prove worthwhile for anyone at any age who is dependent on medication for maintaining their health.
Quality Assurance
We offer you a unique and automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service which ensures a patient’s needs are targeted and fulfilled no matter their age. Reliability of this technology guarantees exceptional support to ensure that the calls will always be made on time and to the right number. The quality of the calls is monitored by Activity Reports that specify when calls are received, acknowledged by the End User and that notifications are sent to designated caregivers.
Senior Support
This service alleviates anxiety and frustration many elderly citizens feel when they are living alone and trying to follow complicated medication schedules. Consistent, daily phone calls deliver the support needed to remember to take
Check for Home Safety is an additional outreach service available to support seniors and/or caregivers. Support is always there!
Caregiver Notification
As a family member or caregiver staying informed of when your loved one takes their medication is very important. Our service can notify you by SMS text message or phone call of their response to the reminder call. This way you can monitor and intervene, if necessary, to increase medication compliance. Monthly reporting of the call outcomes is available and can be shared with a health care provider.
Convenient Scheduling
Family members and caregivers can schedule calls through our easy online system. Simply enter the senior’s phone number and the times when you want him or her to receive a medication call reminder. You can schedule one call or as many as five calls night or day within
Personalize Greeting
When you set up your account, you will be able to note the specific times and specific medications to be included in each reminder call. You will also be able to customize the medication call reminder message with a familiar and supportive voice greeting. Remember calls will begin 24 hours after the set-up is completed.
Affordable Pricing
Payment for the service is made in advance of every month. Once payment is received the calls will take place according to your desired schedule. Your monthly subscription can begin with a 14 Day Free Trial. Our packages are priced from $9.95 to $21.95 depending on customization and the number of calls during a particular day. One call a day starts at $9.95 per month, two to three calls per day are priced at $14.95 per month and up to five calls per day is priced at $21.95 per month.